Skills & Training: ARIC Insights

As a very recently published AI tool, chatGPT has sparked unprecedented public discussion. The chat bot has been developed by AI frontrunner OpenAI, and is supposed to solve almost every task – from writing essays in school, preparing workshop texts or develop algorithms. 


In order to cater for the need of educating local SMEs, public organizations as well as mid-caps, ARIC has offered a session to address questions that arise with this technology. How can & should this and other tools be used in the future, and will see more of them coming up? 
Werner Bogula, Computer Linguist and developer himself with a strong creative background, explained in a condensed and comprehendable manner to around 100 participants the implications.

Images by @sample
Images by @sample

The short answer is yes. According to Kross,  when you think in yourself as another person, it’s allows you to lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took.

Defaulting to Mindfulness

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That immediately brought to mind one of my fondest memories, involving my daughter when she was just a toddler of one.

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