Meet the EDIH Partners

Metropolitan Hamburg offers a rich economic history, with longstanding experience & internationally recognized expertise in logistics, tech and academia. With our network consisting of six local partners, we are able to cater to all needs of local SMEs, mid-caps & public sector administration. Depending on their skill set, all partners will offer distinct formats – which you can chose from, depending on your needs.

Feel free to either reach out to the general EDIH team via the contact page, or to the individual partners directly.

As a technology, transfer institution of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Hamburg, HITeC is connected with numerous industrial partners and promotes start-ups and innovative projects at a local and regional level. In this role, HITeC will actively contribute to the scientific and technical exploitation of the results even after the end of the project. HITeC can leverage the experience gained in the fundamental areas of knowledge transfer, AI prototyping and platform design to new research areas. HITeC has already successfully implemented several EU projects and has EU-wide contacts; here, findings from EDIH will be further disseminated. HITeC plans to generate further project proposals based on the new contacts from the SMEs, the public sector but also other EDIHs. First meetings have been held in the first project month for this purpose.

ARIC was founded in 2019, and has since then been the primary contact point for AI in the Hamburg metropolitan region. As a non-profit organisation, they are the official AI centre of the city of Hamburg, and are establishing an application-oriented know-how centre – by connecting stakeholders from business, science, politics and society. ARIC leads and initiates a number of AI expert groups, organises more than 150 events per year, and is part of various projects – from digitization projects for SMEs, an accelerator program for AI start-ups, to the establishment of an ecosystem for quantum technology. They also conduct their own research on relevant topics such as Responsible AI. ARIC will continue to use the findings and contacts from the project even after its completion. 

The Research and Transfer Centre “Business Innovation Lab” (BIL), an organisational unit of University of Applied Science (HAW) Hamburg, is dealing with the challenges of digitisation and Industry 4.0 in theory and practice with regard to business models. Over five years, BIL has run dozens of talks, workshops and demonstrations to showcase the potential of adaptive order management, AI, distributed-ledger technologies, augmented and virtual reality and digital business model transformation for SME. As a well-connected research institution, the project’s findings and established contacts will be used for subsequent projects. 

The Institute of Business Logistics and General Management (LogU) at the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) researches in the field of the interface of engineering and business and conducts application-oriented research and teaching in the fields of logistics, supply chain management, supply chain risk management, risk management, sustainability, data analytics, AI, digitalisation of SMEs, and applied management methods. As a very active research unit at TUHH, project findings will be incorporated into research and teaching in the years following project completion.

The partner Digital Hub Logistics Hamburg connects companies, investors, start-ups, research and education through the Digital Hub Initiative an international network for the logistics of tomorrow. As part of this innovative network funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), with twelve competence sites in Germany, the project partner is intensively integrated into local and regional networks. Thus, EDIH findings will be further disseminated via this network after project completion. 

The Hamburg Chamber of Crafts (Handwerkskammer Hamburg) represents 15,000 small and medium-sized enterprises and 120,000 employees in these companies. It plays an active role in national networks of chambers and associations of skilled crafts and SMEs. The Chamber of Crafts will be able to become active at the first two stages of exploitation in the follow-up to this project. 

Associated Partners

The Innovation Contact Service (IKS) Hamburg is the “one-stop shop” for knowledge and technology transfer in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region since 2011. The IKS has supported many R&D projects & partnerships between science (universities and research institutions), enterprises, start-ups and public partners. It provides consulting for innovation and collaboration management for innovation projects.

The Hamburg Chamber of Commerce (HK) has played an important role in the location’s innovation policy for many decades and has direct access to about 170,000 member companies in the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg (FHH). It provides a wide spectrum of services for enterprises and innovators.

The Hamburg Authority for Economic Affairs and Innovation is one of eleven specialized authorities of the Senate of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg and is responsible for economic policy and innovation promotion in the Hanseatic City. 

EDIH is a pan-European Program initiated & co-funded by the European Union. We are grateful to be part of this initiative. In addition, the EDIH Hamburg is co-funded by the IFB Hamburg, the DE HUB Program and the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Hamburg, both supported by the by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action


Stephanie von Riegen
Stepahnie von Riegen - Projektleiterin
Project Lead
Nataliya Martynyuk
Project Manager
Florian Vogt
Financial Manager
Gerhard Sells
Project Manager
Digital Hub Logistics
Friedemann Masur
Operational Manager
Hamburg Chamber of Crafts
Berenice Ehrenberger
Project Manager
University of Applied Science Hamburg
Johannes Schnelle
Project Manager
Hamburg University of Technology